Otago Regional Skills Leadership Group

Regional Skills Leadership Groups (RSLGs) were established in July 2019 to facilitate conversations about regional labour market needs.

Fifteen RSLGs were established, each with 12 to 15 members. The groups were supported by a secretariat function in Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

Each RSLG was asked to identify and support better ways of meeting future skills and workforce needs in its region, and specifically to develop ‘regional workforce plans’ and ‘local insight reports’ to outline labour supply trends and identify where change is needed.

Further analysis

The Otago RSLG also commissioned work to investigate broad themes which prevail across the region’s various workforce sectors.  These themes related to tapping into underutilised workforce, how emergent technology will influence workforce development, and how workforce vulnerability presents at a community level across the region.  Initial reports investigating these themes can be found here:

A key focus of the Otago RSLG was on the specific needs of Māori in workforce development.  The RSLG developed Māori workforce data reports and was investigating how employee secondment and job sharing to rūnaka and Māori agencies could be encouraged to address capacity and capability challenges.  A case study of two individuals was also completed. The follow documents on these topics are available to read:

Group disestablished

In late January 2024, Cabinet decided that RSLG teams existing capability and functions were to be disestablished due to changes in Government funding priorities.

The ORED working group has agreed to provide an online home for the RSLG’s outputs to ensure they remain available to anyone interested in Otago’s skills and workforce.